What is your GT/PSN? : Accuracy nF
Do you have AIM? If so, what is it? :No msn
what is your GB rank (include link to profile)? :47k second account other account got hacked .....http://gamebattles.com/profile/grassysniper
What ladder(s)/game(s) does your team participate in (include link(s))? : I am current only on the doubles until summer were ill have more time too play gb
What is your team's rank? : 10-0 remake of 36-4 doubles this summer planning on playing alot and making top page... http://gamebattles.com/xbox360/call-of-duty-modern-warfare-2/team/no-fearrr
Why are you interested in our sponsorship? : ur GFX are amazing and you sponsered my friend. also are logos look stupid
What does your team have to offer that other's don’t? : We actually know each other real in life and everyteam fr the past few months we have been together so we both know are rolesand have been recently destroying teams.
What are some of the achievements has your team had (proof if you have)? : We were both on the top page team [i]magine but left a month ago because there leader kemmis sucks and we wanted more xp.... link too that team if you want is..... http://gamebattles.com/xbox360/call-of-duty-modern-warfare-2/team/imagine----
Where do you and your team see yourself going in this game and why? : This summer we will have obviously no school work and are planning to make top page doubles and team